Page last updated - see below / 63

Website updates

This page describes the recent changes that have been made to the website.

Updates 12th July 2024
  • A new version of the Club Constituion has been put on the documents page. This version follows the recommendations of Swim England.
Updates 8th July 2024
  • Links to the agenda and previous minutes for the 2024 AGM have been posted on the home page.
Updates 14th June 2024
  • Contact details for the Club Secretary have been updated.
Updates 2nd June 2024
  • Contact details for our Welfare Officer have been updated.
Updates 19th May 2024
  • Session details for May, June and July along with associated closures and changes have been added.
Updates 21st April 2024
  • AGM details have been put on the home page.
  • Club insurance documents for 2024-2025 have been added to the documents page
Updates 17th March 2024
  • Calendars for March and April have been added, along with session changes for these two months.
Updates 9th November 2023
  • Session changes and closues added for November and December calendars.
Updates 7th October 2023
  • October session cancellations have been updated.

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